Nurses Need Healing Too
Siri Lindley presents
“Healing With Horses”
at Believe Ranch and Rescue
A non-profit in Longmont, CO, dedicated to saving horses from slaughter, abuse and neglect giving them the forever loving home they so deserve
Discover how horses can help you overcome challenges in your everyday life
November 20th 2021, 11am – 1pm
This event is provided FREE to nurses, but if you would like to donate, all proceeds go to saving more horses.
**All participants must be 16+.**
All profits go to Believe Ranch and Rescue 501c3 towards saving our beautiful horses!
About the Event
This event is focused on the therapeutic benefits of horses. Showcasing the beauty and healing power of our incredible rescue horses!
This program provides our dear rescue equines the opportunity to collaborate by providing support and healing for humans.
Attendees will discover how horses have and continue to, support humans
and help them overcome the impact of trauma, depression, anxiety, grief and loss, life threatening illnesses
as well as many other challenges we all face in our lives.
Our horses will help you feel empowered, confident and energized
to fulfill your dreams, while assisting you in recognizing what is
hindering you from moving forward in your life.
About Your Facilitator

Siri Lindley is passionate about horses, life and helping people be the best they can be! She is not only a co-founder of Believe Ranch and Rescue, but is also a sought after motivational speaker, a former world champion triathlete, and is thriving after being diagnosed with an advanced case of Acute Myeloid Leukemia and undergoing a bone marrow transplant in 2020. Siri’s energy and passion are palpable, and you will find yourself feeding off of her enthusiasm for these healing rescue horses..
Only 20 spots available
Date & Venue
Saturday, November 20th, 2021, 11am – 1pm (*Weather dependent, so stay tuned for updates*)
(**Only registered attendees, please do not bring spouses, partners or friends unless previously cleared)
NOTE: If you cannot donate, you are still welcome to attend, just CLICK HERE to send us an email and we will get you registered!
(100% profits go to saving more horses)
Believe Ranch and Rescue, Longmont, Colorado
COVID-19 Information
Please note all participants MUST be vaccinated we also ask that you use social distancing wear a mask at all times!
Anyone showing symptoms of cough or fever prior should not attend the event and will be fully refunded.
For more information please contact Rebekah Keat at
Travel and Accommodation Info
Accommodation NOT included in cost of event
Airport: Denver Aiport
Within 5 miles: Niwot Inn.
Within 7 miles: Hampton Inn.
Other options in the Longmont area on Trip Advisor.
Boulder area within 10 miles: St Julien 5 star Boutique Hotel
$125 per person per session to attend the event
(100% profits go to saving more horses)
Your Hosts for the Event

Founder -Believe Ranch and Rescue 501c3 and Horses In Our Hands 501c4
Former 2x World Champion
Coach to 8 x World Championship Titles & 2 Olympic Medals
Keppler -Key Note Speaker
Tony Robbins -Facilitator / Speaker
What was your inspiration for working with horses? Horses are my passion and saving their beautiful lives has been my mission for many years now. My wife and I finally decided to make our dream of saving horses come true in 2018 when we opened Believe Ranch & Rescue in Longmont, Colorado.
What did you do prior to this? I dedicated my life to becoming a world-champion triathlete. After retiring, I transitioned into coaching, as well as international speaking engagements.
What’s your favorite horse-related memory? Doing a 50-mile endurance trail race with my amazing horse Savannah, just 3 months after rescuing and learning to ride her.
What do you enjoy doing after hours? Spending time with horses in nature and appreciating this amazing gift of life.

Founder -Horses In Our Hands 501c4 and Believe Ranch and Rescue 501c3
2x time World Junior Triathlon Champion
Former World Record and World No.1
3 x National Triathlon Champion
Founder -Team Sirius Tri Club
What inspired you to work with horses? My desire is to leave a legacy of positive impact on both humans and animals. My connection to animals as a young child was undeniable. Their innocence, and willingness to trust and love unconditionally is something all humans should aspire to!
What did you do in your prior life? I kept myself busy achieving things like: 6-time Iron Distance Champion, 6th fastest time in Iron distance history, 5-time sub-9 hour finishes at Iron Distance, earning over 25 Half-Iron Distance wins, and co-founding Team Sirius Tri Club and Believe Ranch & Rescue with my incredible wife, Siri Lindley.
How about a favorite horse-related memory? Saving our first horses from the slaughter pipeline. That day, I knew I might not be able to make an immediate impact on the thousands of horses shipped to slaughter, but I did know that I was making an immediate impact on the life of the one horse that I was able to save. I had a feeling that one day, we would make a real difference in millions of lives!
For more information please contact Rebekah Keat at